Wildland Fire Refresher

RT-130 | Work Capacity Test

Firefighting is tough. The days are long, the packs are heavy, the slopes are steep and there is often lots of smoke. Firefighters have to be tough and they have to be fit. Firefighting can be dangerous. The fire environment is filled with hazards, and there are hazards inherent in firefighting tactics. To prevent injury and fatalities we must learn from the hard earned lessons of the past. Firefighters must be well trained and aware of the current trends in safety best practices.

The National Wildland Fire Coordination Group(NWCG) requires all fireline personnel attend an annual Fireline Safety Refresher. An annual Work Capacity Fitness Test is also required for positions with an Arduous, Moderate, or Light fitness rating.

CCC offers several Fireline Safety Refreshers and Fitness Tests each Spring. These workshops meet Region 6 requirements for private contractors. Additional workshops may be added if the need exists.

COVID-19 and 2020 Fire Season FMB Memorandum


IBPA Implementation Guidance CR0356.pdf


Guidance Letter 2020.pdf

Returning Firefighter Summary:

OPTIONS FOR Returning Firefighters that were issued IQC cards or Govt. issued Red Cards in 2019: Contractors are encouraged to provide returning firefighters with all required training as set forth in IFCA B 3.0., as possible.

These alternative provisions to WCFT and RT-130 annual standards are adopted to mitigate exposure to COVID-19 for 2020:

WCFTs are not required for 2020. Contractors shall ensure measures are being implemented to mitigate health risks if choosing this alternative. Documentation of specific mitigation measures shall be included in the firefighter’s training and experience file.

Firefighters who have not completed RT-130 as of March 23, 2020, will continue to be RT-130 certified through December 31, 2020. Please refer to the actions recommended in lieu of formal training as listed on page 2 of the attached FMB letter.

NEW firefighter summary:

REQUIRED FOR Newly Hired Firefighters that did not have IQC cards issued in 2019: WCFT, Basic Firefighter Training (S-130, S-190, L-180, IS-700, ICS-100), and Fire Shelter Training.

    • Instructors are strongly encouraged to deliver training utilizing virtual technology as an interim measure.

    • Medical clearances should be obtained through the employer’s standard onboarding process.

    • Contractors are encouraged to use weight appropriate bladder bags or individual issued fire line packs versus sharing or reuse of WCFT vests.

    • Fire Shelter training should be implemented using a practice fire shelter as a one-person, one time use.
